Re-Centering Yourself During a Pandemic

We’re in a strange sort of holding pattern right now, worldwide. This can bring with it a lot of feelings such as confusion, sadness, stress and a lack of motivation. It’s important to take time to practice self care in order to maintain our mental and emotional health, so let’s discuss some effective ways to do that!

Reset Your Goals

Reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Don’t fret over ways you’ve failed at achieving them–there’s no way you could have planned for the life changes that are occurring. Instead, think of ways you can adjust those goals to fit your current situation. If they need to be pulled completely, that’s okay!

Refocus Your Routine

Maybe you’ve just finished out the school year with remote learning for the kids, or perhaps you’re adjusting to working from home for the first time ever. Whatever it is, there will be some necessary tweaks to your schedule in order to keep things running smoothly. Take time for walks, maintain your health, consume positive media and, most of all, hold yourself accountable for all that you do.

Take Time for Self Care

It’s hard to take time for ourselves without feeling selfish, but it’s necessary for good mental health. Your self care could look like journaling at night, getting proper sleep, taking a bubble bath, or simply curling up with a good book. Remember to check-in with yourself regularly to ensure you’re in a good place, and take a personal day if you need it. Also, get on a good sleep schedule in order to feel your best each day!

I hope you’re doing well in this difficult time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions if you’re looking to buy or sell your home!

What Features are Home Buyers Looking For Most in 2020?

If you’re looking to sell your home in the near future, it can be quite useful to know what buyers are currently seeking from the home they purchase. This information can easily give you a leg up on the competition should you choose to make pertinent updates prior to listing. 

What’s on Top?

So, what is it people are looking for right now? Not surprisingly, the number one answer is a spacious back porch. Especially with many folks spending quite a bit of time at home right now, this seems like a no-brainer. People want a comfortable space where they can safely spend time outside, and this can be done fairly economically compared to other updates. 

Spacious porches are closely followed by renovated/updated kitchens and hardwood floors. However, if these are things your home currently does not have, it may not be worth the investment just to sell quickly. These are big-ticket expenses and, oftentimes, you will not recoup your costs. 

Finished garages with plenty of storage space are also commonly being sought at the moment. This is something you can easily make happen AND utilize while waiting to sell. Unlike a finished basement (also high on many lists), garages are fairly straightforward to finish out, and adding storage areas to it is simple. 

Other Upgrades to Consider

These days, energy-efficient homes are going like hotcakes. With a variety of incentives and a universal increased focus on environmental impact, many people are seeking out homes that are going to make them feel good while also saving them money. There are a variety of energy-efficient upgrades, some of which can be well worth the investment prior to selling. Do your homework on this one, because it can vary by area and the specifics of what you’d like to have done. 

Additionally, not shockingly, laundry rooms are high on many lists. People are seeking space to get their laundry done effectively. Gone are the days of a tiny washer in a closet. We’re looking at efficient washers and dryers, complete with space to fold laundry and store supplies. If this is impossible for your current space, that’s okay. It’s not worth a massive investment to create this space out of nowhere. However, if you have the room, it can absolutely be worth it to upgrade things a bit to increase its appeal to buyers. 

Should You Upgrade Before Selling?

This is a tough one to answer on the spot with anything but “maybe”. If you’re looking to sell soon and want to know how to bring an edge to your home, call me today to discuss what is worth investing in and what isn’t. It’s unique to your home, but I can help you determine what will get your home sold as quickly as possible!

Ten Tips For Making a Room Appear Larger

Currently, many of us have a great deal of time on our hands at home. All of this extra time spent within our own four walls can quickly bring a variety of issues to light and prompt us to make changes. This includes rooms that may not bring you as much happiness as you’d like–specifically, rooms that are too small. 

Did you know you can trick the mind into believing a room is larger than it actually is? Let’s discuss how to make this a reality for your home!

  1. Good lighting can open a space up quickly and easily. Natural light makes the interior of a room appear larger immediately. If there’s not much natural light available in the space, lighting fixtures and lamps can make all the difference, and using multiple lamps coming from different angles can really make an impact. 
  2. Keep the area free of clutter. This isn’t to say make it totally bare-bones, simply to keep items to a minimum or strategically stored. 
  3. Use very light or very dark colors when painting a room. This gives the space added depth and makes the room look larger, while medium colors close the room up. 
  4. Find home items that provide for hidden-storage. This provides a place for small items that may be crucial to the use of the room, such as blankets, remotes, magazines and books. 
  5.  Floor-to-ceiling sheer curtains over your windows will create the illusion of a much larger room. 
  6. Small items tend to make a space appear cluttered and smaller, so use only a few large items to decorate the room instead. Limit decor to 3-5 items to maximize the space and leave space in between objects. 
  7. Large scale art can make a small room look larger in no time. One piece on one wall is all you need; just make sure it’s a large one!
  8. Rugs easily define a space while also creating an illusion of added square footage.
  9. Large statement pieces of furniture instead of multiple smaller pieces makes any room look larger instantly. Additionally, placing them away from the wall will open things up even more.
  10. Strategically place mirrors across from windows to create more light and openness in the room. You can also place them on the darkest wall of a room! 

I hope this helps you enjoy your home a bit more during these crazy times, and as always, please reach out to me for more tips and tricks for your home or if you’re looking to buy or sell anytime soon! I’m still here to help you achieve your home buying dreams, even if the world feels like it’s shut down! 

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is here, bringing with it the desire to get things back in order in your home. Here’s a checklist to help guide you in your deep cleaning endeavors!

Supplies Needed

  • Duster
  • Broom, Vacuum and Mop
  • Paper Towels or Old Rags
  • Window Cleaner
  • Furniture Polish
  • Disinfecting Spray
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Dish Soap


  • Clear dishes from the sink and put in dishwasher
  • Dust light fixtures, fans and cabinet tops 
  • Clear cabinets and wipe them out 
  • Remove everything from countertops and clean them off with disinfectant wipes
  • Wipe down windows and window sills and clear debris and dirt from the tracks 
  • Wash the microwave plate then spray and wipe down the inside 
  • Run the clean cycle in the oven
  • Clear expired items from pantry 
  • Wipe down all cabinet fronts 
  • Clear expired items from the fridge and wipe down all surfaces
  • Wash rugs, mats and towels in washing machine
  • Sweep, vacuum and mop floors


  • Remove all items from countertops and wipe them down
  • Launder shower curtains and rugs
  • Remove all items from shower and scrub and rinse the area
  • Empty cabinets and dispose of expired items
  • Dust fixtures and vents 
  • Carefully wipe down walls with diluted dish soap
  • Dust and wipe down drawers and shelves 
  • Disinfect and wipe down sinks 
  • Clean mirrors and hardware with window cleaner 
  • Clean the inside and outside of the toilet
  • Wash baseboards
  • Sweep or vacuum floors, followed by mopping 

Living Room

  • Clear surfaces of clutter and check under furniture for items
  • Dust all hard surfaces then use furniture polish
  • Clean windows, sills and tracks
  • Launder curtains, blankets and throw pillows where possible
  • Disinfect toys and remote controls
  • Wash baseboards.
  • Sweep, vacuum, mop and/or carpet clean


  • Launder bed linens and curtains 
  • Dust fixtures and fans
  • Dust and wipe down decorations and picture frames
  • Clean windows, sills and tracks. 
  • Polish hardwood furniture.
  • Vacuum, sweep, mop and/or carpet clean
  • Vacuum mattress


  • Dust and wipe down lights 
  • Clear shelves and drawers to dust
  • Wash baseboards 
  • Sweep or vacuum 

This guide should be a great place to start when coming back from winter hybernation, but don’t be afraid to go even deeper. Don’t forget, if you’re spring cleaning in preparation for a move, get in touch with me today to get started! 

5 Tips Buyers/Sellers Should Know

Spring is just around the corner, and it’s approaching primetime to buy or sell your home! I know how stressful this process can be, and I’m always here to help guide you along the way. Let’s take a look at some simple tips that buyers and sellers may not know!

If You’re a Buyer

  1. The first offer you make on a home sets the tone with the seller. This means putting in an offer that’s too low can aggravate the seller and they may come back with a higher price or simply not respond to you at all. Additionally, if you haggle down too low, it’s unlikely that repairs will be covered.
  2. Cover your bases with your own home inspection. While the seller has most likely had a pre-listing inspection done, you should set your own up as well to be sure you’re not missing anything important. 
  3. The home’s title could have issues, so it’s important that you use a title company or real estate attorney to run a “title search” on the home. This ensures that problems such as back taxes, liens etc. are not present.  
  4. Remember that buyers typically pay three to four percent of the home’s price, so be sure to account for those costs and budget appropriately. 
  5. Most Importantly: Trust in your real estate professional and let them do their job by making the process as smooth as possible. Buying a home does not have to be painful!


If You’re a Seller

  1. Realistic pricing is key to selling your home in a timely fashion. This means relying on your real estate agent to guide you using current market data and not overpricing it.
  2. Staging your home in a way that accentuates its layout and design trends makes it much more appealing to potential buyers. It also makes your listing photos so much more attractive and, best of all, I can handle all of this for you! 
  3. Replacements and updates truly help increase the value of the home. This includes replacing old appliances and fixtures, as well as decluttering the home prior to listing. Updates are investments!
  4. A pre-listing inspection can help you to address issues early without having to spend the additional time on it during closing. 
  5. Most importantly: Trust in your real estate professional and let them do their job by making the process as smooth as possible. I am here to help you!

Call me today to get started on buying or selling your home! 

Planning Your Spring Cleaning? This Yearly Checklist Has You Covered!

Spring is just around the corner, bringing with it warmer weather, outdoor adventures, and spring cleaning! While you surely don’t need guidance on how to have fun, I’m here to give you a bit of help on the cleaning front. Whether you’re prepping to sell your home or have been hibernating all winter, this list gives you a great idea of where to begin and simple things you can do each month from here on out to keep your home in shape!

As always, if you are prepping to sell your home, contact me!

It’s Tax Season, Are You Ready?

With tax season upon us, you may find yourself full of angst, annoyance, and procrastination. These are all normal tax-related feelings, but it doesn’t have to be that way! While I can’t take all the pain away, I can give you some tips on how to make things go just a bit smoother. 

When Are Taxes Due Again?

First things first. April 15, 2020 is your deadline to file and pay taxes, or to request a filing extension. Be sure to make note of this in your phone calendar with an ample amount of time to get them done, or even better, stay ahead of the game by giving yourself mini deadlines. This frees you from the worry of late fees and the pressure of filing at the last minute!

Stay Organized

If you can keep all of your tax-related documents in one place, it will make filing much easier. Label folders and store them in a container or filing cabinet for easy access. These folders should include all relevant information, such as home and office expenses, child care costs, education costs, mileage costs, medical expenses and other miscellaneous expenses. 

Additionally, you need to upload all digital documents to a secure spot such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Store a backup on a hard drive or thumb drive, just in case something happens!

The Perks of Filing Taxes

You’re probably one of millions of Americans expecting a tax return this year, and that can be quite exciting. It’s like a small windfall of a few thousand dollars each year, and there are so many things you can do with that money! You could pay off debt or buy a new TV or maybe even squirrel it away for part of a down payment on a new home (wink wink). 

If you’re someone who owes taxes, yes, this time of year is far less frivolous and fun. However, I have terrific referrals for tax professionals who are ready to take the stress off of your shoulders! 

Call me today to find out how I can help you spend, save or file your taxes!

What’s the Best Season to Sell Your Home in Northern Colorado?

(Hint: The answer might surprise you!)

Chances are, you already have an inkling about the best time to sell a home. You’re thinking of when you see the most For Sale signs, and when rentals tend to pop up, so it has to be summer, right? Wrong. It’s actually spring! Now, this doesn’t mean you can only sell in the spring. Your personal circumstances will certainly come into play in a major way.

Why Are You Selling?

There are many factors that come into play when you’re choosing when to sell your home. Perhaps you’re undergoing some big life changes, such as relocation, a growing family or even downsizing after the children have left the nest. Or maybe you’re finally emotionally ready to move on from the memories that reside in the home following a divorce, death or retirement. It’s also possible that you’re doing it for the money. There’s no shame in that; equity can be a beautiful thing! With the varying reasons for selling, there is clearly no “perfect” time that applies to every single person.

Why Spring?

Springtime means school is coming to an end soon, and many families don’t want to move at a disruptive time. With closing dates typically being 30-60 days out, a spring buy makes for a summer move with less stress. Additionally, many people travel in the Summer, so there can be a lack of interested buyers around. Springtime also brings a feeling of “newness” that can inspire people to put in the work of finding a home to start fresh, especially here in Colorado when we’re all coming out of our Winter hibernation!
Overall, selling in May or June typically means a quicker sale at a higher price. However, as mentioned above, that doesn’t mean it’s the best time for you personally. Keep your eye on the calendar, but look inwards at what you and your family need and consult a local Realtor to discuss your best course of action.

Maybe Spring Isn’t Your Time

While there are obvious benefits to selling in the spring, you may not have that luxury. Luckily, real estate is always going strong here in Fort Collins, so there are always pros to selling your home no matter the season!
Get In Touch
Selling your home is a huge step, so it’s important that you have a trustworthy, knowledgeable agent who can help you make the best decision possible. I can help you understand the factors that influence pricing and what the market is looking like in your area. Give me a call today to discuss your options!

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