5 Ways to Make Your Home More Cozy This Winter

The combination of COVID and cold weather here in Colorado has us spending a great deal of time in our homes over the next few months. While this may not be our first choice, it’s necessary, so we might as well be comfortable and cozy! Here are some tips on how to create a space you love to lounge in, day in and day out. 

Bring in the Colors

While winter colors tend to err towards pastels and whites, it can also bring an unintended coldness to your space. Shades of reds, greens and metallics can really bring your home to life for the holidays and beyond! Vibrant pillows, throws and art can bring a festive, warm feeling to any room!

Textures for Coziness

Chenille, chunky knits, velvets, fleece, flannel, sequins and faux fur are all perfect for wintertime decor. They’ll create a warm, snuggly feeling in any living area, while also giving something interesting to look at and touch! They will cozy up the look and you’ll feel warm and comfy snuggling with them. A comfy faux fur rug is an ideal piece for cozying up your living room for winter. These materials can be used in everything from blankets to throw pillows to rugs and curtains!

Let There Be Light

Candles are great any time of the year, but winter is the perfect time to incorporate the cozy, peaceful feeling they bring. With a winter scent burning bright, you can’t go wrong. Another way to bring in soft, comforting light  is through fairy lights. These bring an ambiance all their own! 

Invite the Outdoors In

It could be flowers, clippings, pinecones or branches. No matter what you prefer, when you bring nature inside, it can bring a calming, cozy feeling into the home. That rustic feeling is perfect for the wintertime! These can be incorporated through wreaths, hanging pieces, coasters or basic decor–you simply can’t go wrong.


Nothing says cozy like a fireplace. It brings warmth, regardless of whether it’s working or not, and is perfect for decorating with natural elements and soft lighting. Regardless of what kind of fireplace you may have, it will bring the perfect mood to your living spaces. 

The Bottom Line

Yes, things can be a bit weird right now, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel like a prisoner in your own home! Bring some magic into your space with these tips and, as always, let me know if you have any questions about your home! From buying to selling to prepping, I’m here for you!

22 Little Ways to Keep Your Home Warmer and Your Costs Lower

There’s a chill in the air and the holidays are fast-approaching, and that means keeping our homes warm and cozy. Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive to keep some homes warm, so we’re here to discuss small ways to keep your home warmer and your bills lower!


Proper Ventilation


  • Use baffles/draft blockers on the outside of your bathroom fans to ensure cold air doesn’t blow in.
  • Reverse your ceiling fans from spring to fall, unless your floors are heated. 
  • Close vents and doors in rooms that are not in use. 
  • Break strong winds with a snow fence.


Heat Where You Need It


  • If your home has radiators or baseboard heating pipes, line the wall with tinfoil or something similar to reflect heat into the home. 
  • Be sure airflow from air vents is not impeded and are open where needed. 
  • Close unused chimney flues and drafts. 
  • Block the chimney with an insert to reduce heat loss, but don’t forget to remove it if you decide to fire it up.


Insulated Pipes Prevent Heat Loss


  • Insulate your hot water/radiator pipes that run through non-living areas. 
  • Place pipe insulation along the bottoms of exterior and interior doors for draft reduction.
  • Attics and their doors are the source of significant heat loss, so be sure yours is very well insulated. 
  • Insulate your floor with rugs and carpet. 
  • If it’s extremely cold, hanging blankets on the walls can help insulate a room. 


Don’t Let it Fly Out the Window


  • Uncover south facing windows when the sun is out to heat things up. 
  • Insulating window coverings can help keep heat in and cold out. This includes cellular coverings and insulating curtains.
  • Open and close blinds with the sun.
  • A window insulation kit can help when combined with shades or curtains. 
  • If you want a quick, short term solution, duct tape and blankets will work. Yes, it’s not cute, but it works.
  • A large window can be covered with a clear shower curtain to allow sun in while reducing heat loss. A curtain or shades can help even more. 


Add Extra Warmth Where You’d Least Expect It


  • Don’t drain a hot bathtub. The excess heat will help keep everything a bit warmer. Better yet, if you know you could lose power, run a hot bath for emergencies. 
  • Leave the oven open (safely!) after baking. Wintertime is perfect for using your oven and leaving it open can truly heat things up. 
  • Keep blankets handy for when you’re sitting down. This will ensure you don’t need to turn the thermostat on when your circulation slows down. 
  • Heated foot warmers can make all the difference in the world! Additionally, wearing slippers or warm socks can keep your body temp up and you nice and cozy.
  • A portable heater of any kind can be very effective. These days, they even make small ones that look like little fireplaces! They’re adorable, cozy AND effective!


As always, if you need any other tips on keeping your home looking and feeling great this winter, or you’re thinking of buying or selling your home, get in touch with me today! I’m here to answer all of your questions!

The Top 6 Reasons to Buy a Home in the Winter

While it may seem unexpected and impractical, buying a home in the wintertime can actually be a great idea! Here are just a few reasons why:

1. Sellers Are More Motivated

When a homeowner decides to sell in the winter, it’s usually because they want it to sell very quickly. It could be that they’re relocating, need to downsize or anything in between, but they are almost always very motivated. A motivated seller means the buyer has the upper hand in negotiations on purchasing the home. 

2. Home Inspections are Done in More Challenging Weather 

Winter usually comes with more extreme weather, especially here in Colorado. This means that when inspectors come out, the home will be under more duress than usual, showing all of the potential flaws. You’ll know if ice accumulates on the roof, if there are any current leaks, if the heating system is working properly and much more. All of these are crucial elements to a thorough inspection. 

3. Less Competition

Spring and summer are, traditionally, the popular times to buy a home. This means that it’s fairly saturated and busy, thus giving you more competition and less chance of getting a great deal. Bidding wars are more common during these seasons because of the number of potential buyers. This becomes less likely the further you move into fall and winter. While inventory is lower, it is still the ideal time due to the lack of competition all around. This also gives you a great advantage in negotiations as well. 

4. Lower Prices

The demand for homes is much lower in the wintertime, which means the prices are inherently low as well. Sellers have very little choice but to keep their prices lower than usual when attempting to sell during the winter months. You’re very likely to score some great housing deals this time of year!

5. Realtors Aren’t As Busy

Summer and spring tend to be the busiest time of year for realtors because that’s when most people are buying and selling. They have fewer clients in the winter, which allows them to really dive in deep to find what you’re looking for in a home. This will make your buying process much quicker and smoother overall.

6. Better Rates

If you’re planning on taking out a mortgage for your home, winter is the ideal time for great interest rates from lenders. Few applicants in December, January and February mean that you have a greater chance of good financing terms. In the long run, this could save you quite a bit of money, so it’s the perfect time to buy a new home! 

As always, whether you’re planning on buying, selling or buying AND selling, I am here to get the job done. If you’re considering buying or selling this winter, get in touch with me and we’ll get the ball rolling to find the home of your dreams!

Prepare Your Lawn for Winter in Six Steps

You’ve put so much time and effort into your yard during the warmer months, spending Sundays weeding your garden and mowing your lush lawn. Now that the warmth is quickly fading into cooler temps and the potential for snow, you don’t want that hard work to go to waste. Yes, you could leave it alone and let nature take its course, or you could follow these tips to winterize your yard and feel much better once Springtime rolls back around. 

Don’t Over-Mow

You don’t ever want your lawn to be too short. That’s a quick path to a scorched yard. This is even more important in the fall. Mowing every 10-14 days until all leaves have fallen is a great rule of thumb. It ensures the leaves don’t smother your grass while also maintaining at a good length throughout the Winter. 

Cooler climates, like Colorado, allow for grass to do best at around .75 inches. This length allows the grass enough protection through the cool temps while also protecting against fungus growth. 

Fertilizer is Your Friend

A natural fertilizer can help it to be lush and green in the spring. If you haven’t already done this, do it now to ensure your lawn is as healthy as possible when winter ends. You’ll want a fertilizer that is organic with zero phosphates. 

Cease Irrigation

Here in Fort Collins, watering after October 1st was banned due to extremely dry conditions, so watering has completely ceased this year already. However, while this is not the norm for us, we typically have mostly stopped watering by now anyways due to freezing temps. Have your sprinklers blown out to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting. This will save you money and headaches in the Springtime. 

Compost to Your Heart’s Content

Fall is the perfect time to curate your compost pile and get it in shape for the Spring. During your cleanup, collect some of the dead pieces to add to the compost. Leaves and dead grass are terrific additions to your pile, providing insulation and preventing too much wetness. 

No Mosquitos

This can go overlooked, but it’s important. Traverse your property to ensure you have nothing that collects stagnant water. Mosquitos will gather and breed when temps dip to around 50, so that water allows them the perfect space to do so. Failure to prevent this means you’ll have mosquitos in the Spring.

Be Cautious

Let snow live on the grass when it falls. You should not worry about removal on your lawn. It actually protects your lawn from the bitter air and prevents it from breaking. If it snows, leave it on the grass. 

The Bottom Line

When you properly maintain your lawn, it does more than keep it pretty. These tips will keep your lawn healthier throughout the cold weather and allow you to enjoy it much faster when Spring rolls around. It will also help ensure a healthy lawn if you’re looking to sell in the Spring! 

If that’s something you’re considering, please get in touch with me for other tips on prepping your home in advance! 

The Dos and Don’ts of Area Rugs

Area rugs can bring a room to life, whether it’s on hardwood floors or layered with carpet. They’re simple to clean and move around when necessary, and they also require very little commitment. When you’re bored with them, get a new one or move it to a new area. If you’re thinking about using rugs to liven up your space, take a look at this list of dos and don’ts before purchasing!

DO: Let Rugs Extend Under Your Furniture

When choosing an area rug, go with a size that allows the rug to sit underneath key pieces of furniture. You want all of the furniture to be on top of the rug at least at the front legs, and all all small pieces should be fully on the rug. 

In dining areas, you want the rug to be big enough for both the chairs and table to sit on top of it. The chairs should be on top of the rug even when pulled out.

DON’T: Go Small 

Commonly, people get rugs that are simply too small for the space. Yes, it’s cheaper, but that’s rarely better when it comes to rugs. Going big saves you time and effort and is still much cheaper than buying new carpet.  

DO: Make it Equal

Keep the same amount of floor space on every side of your rug. 8-24 inches of space is ideal, and you want it centered in the room. 

DON’T: Skimp in the Bedroom

Area rugs in a bedroom are simply no good if you’re still stepping out onto cold floors in the morning. You want your rugs to go beyond the bed 12-18 inches, depending on the size of the bed. You can also go bigger, if you’d like.

DO: Think of the Traffic

Be sure that you place rugs in higher-traffic areas in the home. Additionally, be sure the areas are fully covered so there’s not one foot on and one foot off the rug.

DON’T: Be Afraid to Step Outside the Box

When placing area rugs, take advantage of patterns and colors to really bring a space to life. If you choose something inexpensive, it’s easy to replace and revamp every couple of years.

DO: Know How to Clean It

Check cleaning instructions prior to buying so you know what you’re getting into. Weigh the pros and cons and choose something you can commit to. 

DON’T: Endanger Your Rugs

Yes, it can be awfully tempting to place your rug front and center in your home. However, this can result in expensive accidents and unnecessary wear and tear. Expensive rugs when you have children or pets can be prone to accidents and spills. While they’re simple to clean, you may end up with permanent stains. 


If you’re looking to buy or sell your home, get in touch with me today! Area rugs can be a crucial part of effectively staging your home, and I can help you with that and so much more!

Paint Colors Matter When it Comes to Selling Your Home

If you’re considering selling your home, small improvements such as painting can quickly draw in buyers. It’s a simple, quick fix that can dramatically boost the time you’re on the market and the money you make off the home. Let’s discuss! 

Front Doors: Into the Dark

Believe it or not, the color of your front door has a significant impact on potential buyers. Darker colored doors are the number one pick for increased curb appeal and a lasting impression. In fact, Zillow determined that, on average, homes with dark colored doors sell for around $6,000 more than anticipated. When you consider how cheap painting your door can be, it’s certainly worth the investment!  charcoal, smoky, or jet black doors sell for $6,271 more than expected. Considering that a door paint job can cost approximately $100 to $400, a bucket of black paint is a stellar investment.

Suggested colors: Navy, black, charcoal and smokey shades

The Exterior: Greige is the Word

When you take a warm beige and combine it with a light grey, you get the color “greige”. Yes, we know it sounds silly, but it’s the most coveted home color currently! Zillow shows that homes with greige exteriors outsell their counterparts by over $3,000. Another trendy house color right now is soft, buttery yellows. There’s a warmth to them that creates the inherent feeling of “home”. However, one caveat to painting your home’s exterior is that it can be expensive, so you have to consider how badly your home needs it before committing.

Suggested colors: Greige, butter yellow

The Kitchen: Feelin’ Blue

Kitchens are the heart of the home, so it’s no wonder that its color would have a deep impact on buyers. Homes with kitchens painted a soft shade of grey or blue raised the home’s selling price by close to $2,000. Additionally, it was noted that tuxedo kitchens were very trendy with buyers. A tuxedo kitchen has upper and lower cabinets that are painted two different colors. Considering the low cost of painting your kitchen, it could certainly be worth looking into to boost your sale!

Suggested colors: Grey, light blue, tuxedo cabinetry

Living Room: Be Traditional

The usual suspects of beige, taupe and oatmeal still sits atop the throne of living rooms. According to the experts at Zillow, people got around $2000 more than anticipated when they had a living room in this color scheme. If you do choose color, lighter, calming shades of blue, grey and green are all very appealing. 

Suggested colors: Oatmeal, taupe, beige, pale shades of blue, grey and green

Bedroom: Liven Up

When rooms are decked out in vibrant shades of blue, homes tend to go for about $1800 over the competition. This may seem surprising given the bright color, but it actually is very appealing to potential buyers!

Suggested colors: Cerulean, ocean, robin’s egg

Bathroom: Reach for the Sky

Pale blue is the number one color for bathrooms. It’s calming, clean and fresh, so it’s no wonder it can cause a home to sell for over $5,000 more than homes without a blue bathroom! 

Suggested colors: Light blue

Dining Room: Clean Slate

Slate-blue shows an air of sophistication while also feeling quite fresh and modern. Homes with a slate dining room sold for over $2000 more than those that had white dining areas. If you’re looking to liven up an oft-drab space, look no further than this trendy color!

Suggested colors: Slate blue

No matter if you choose to paint or not, you want the best of the best realtors to help take you to the next level. Call me today to discuss buying, selling, painting and everything in between!



10 Tips For Attracting Autumn Homebuyers

The real estate market during the fall is quite booming. Families have finally been able to relax after summer vacations and busy days, but we’re not quite at the holiday season where things get hectic all over again. It’s the perfect time to sell your home! 

1. Tidy Up Your Yard

No matter what time of year you choose to sell in, you want the yard to look it’s best. However, the fall brings a whole slew of messiness with falling leaves and dying plants. You’ll need to rake up leaves and debris, clear out that overgrown summer vegetation, and trim your bushes and tree limbs so they don’t block the exterior of the home. 

2. Lean Into the Autumn Vibe for Added Curb Appeal

An easy way to bring the best parts of fall to your own yard is to plant autumn flowers. This includes chrysanthemums and marigolds, which are available in vibrant yellows. If you plant these in attractive pots around the porch and steps, with an accent of pumpkins, squash and maybe a hay bale, you’ve created the perfect fall moment right on your own front porch.  

3. Spruce Up Your Windows

The rain, wind, dust and pollen from spring and summer can leave your windows quite grimy by the time fall rolls around. You do not want them looking dirty when potential buyers come in. Clean windows really allow the light to come in and make the outside sparkle. Wash all those windows and rinse your screens to make your home look its very best. 

4. Check Out Your HVAC

This is the time you want your home to smell it’s freshest. Think about when you last swapped out your furnace filter. It may have been far too long ago. You want to be changing it every 90 days or so, so go give yours a look before switching on your heater. Additionally, buyers will have the home inspector look at your HVAC anyways, so this gives you the opportunity to identify any issues. 

5. Clear Out That Fireplace

Fireplaces are the centerpieces of the room, so you want them looking their very best. This means clearing out any cobwebs, ashes and debris for wood-burning and wipe down gas fireplaces so they’re as clear as possible. For gas fireplaces, light them up prior to potential buyers coming over. This adds a cozy feel to the home. For log burning fireplaces, arrange some wood logs to make it feel like home. 

6. The Nose Knows

In addition to your home smelling fresh, if you prepare some fall treats, it really adds to ambiance. Fresh pumpkin cookies or hot apple cider can really set the mood for a great impression. You can also leave out cinnamon sticks or clove potpourri. Anything that provokes those cozy feelings of fall will work in your favor.

7. Accent Colors Bring Your Home to Life

You can accessorize your home to look and feel like fall by using red, yellow and orange accents. This includes throw pillows, candles, blankets draped over the couch. These bold colors will catch the eye while making the home still feel like a home. An autumn centerpiece on the dining room table or pinecones scattered about the entryway table can have a huge impact. 

8. Leave the Lights On

You want as much light as possible in your home when potential buyers come in. The days are getting shorter and shadows getting longer, so pull up those blinds and push back the drapes. Turn every light in the house on, and brighten up dark rooms with spotlights. 

9. Leave a Last Impression

Perhaps you could have a guestbook out for buyers to leave comments and suggestions. This can be quite helpful in the selling process. If you leave out something like candy or caramel apples, they’ll be even more inspired to leave comments. 


If you’re looking to sell your home this fall, get in touch with me today to discuss your options! 

4 Trends of Millennial Home Buying

It’s no secret the financial challenges millennials have faced thus far in adulthood. Saddled with significant student loan debt, lower wages and a much slower advancement in their careers as baby boomers retire later, buying a home tends to fall a bit lower on the list of priorities. 

These challenges can mean getting creative when it comes to purchasing a home, so let’s take a look at some of the avenues millennials are taking to get it done. 

1. Choosing Smaller Homes

Millennials have foregone the dream of a McMansion and have settled for smaller, more practical spaces. Considering a lower birth rate and waiting longer to get married, this makes sense in a few ways. They feel that 1,700 square feet is plenty, making finding affordable housing a bit easier. Minimalism is a priority, as is walkability, and oftentimes those go hand-in-hand with a small space.

2. Lower Down Payments

Considering those aforementioned financial challenges, it’s understandable that savings tend to be quite low for millennials. This means that a 20% down payment can be hard to come by, with 70% of millennials planning to put down less than that on their next home. In comparison, 50% of baby boomers plan to put down more than 20% on their next home.

In expensive areas, 20% is a large chunk of money, so many millennials are agreeing to private mortgage insurance that runs between .5% and 1.5% of the home’s value. They’re willing to pay more in the long run because they simply can’t pay upfront.

3. Assistance from Family

It’s not unusual for millennials to have to turn to their parents for financial assistance. This extends into help with buying a home as well. Around 30% of millennials anticipate some sort of financial help from family for purchasing a home this year. It comes as no surprise considering the percentage of millennials that receive some form of financial support for basic needs such as rent, food and cellphone bills.

4. Leaving the Big City

Urban areas tend to be more expensive, but they also tend to be where millennials work. However, the commute is a sacrifice they’re willing to make to purchase a home. Moving to the exurbs (the areas outside of wealthier suburbs) allows for larger homes at a lower price, providing more space for growing families and personal projects. 

These areas may be inconvenient, but millennials are open to it just to become homeowners. 

While millennials are forced to purchase homes much later in life than their parents did, they’re making it work with suburbs and exurbs. They’re flexible, committed and looking for a place to call a permanent home, so it’s easy to understand why they’re comfortable sacrificing a bit. 

Contact a Realtor

If you’re a millennial looking to purchase a home, get in touch with me today. We’ll explore every available avenue to find the perfect fit for you!


Some Homeowners Are Downsizing, But Why?

Over the past few years, we’ve started to see downsizing becoming a trend, specifically amongst Millennials and Boomers. While this may sound strange, it makes sense from an economical standpoint. While each generation has their own reasons for this, there is some overlap as well.


It’s been widely known that Boomers have been aging in place in the recent past. However, they’ve begun transitioning to a downsizing state of mind. Studies have found that the major reason for this is because they no longer have the need for a large home. Their children have grown and left the nest. As they’re getting older, not only do they not require the space, they also don’t want to take on the task of cleaning and maintaining so much square footage.

It is important to note that many Boomers are staying in their homes because their Millennial children still live at home due to economic circumstances. Therefore, downsizing is less of a priority because there’s very little motivator or opportunity.


This will come as no surprise to any Millennial ever, but the number one deciding factor for them downsizing was money. In contrast, less than 60% of Boomers cited this as a motivator for them, while over 80% of Millennials said it was theirs. Downsizing is a legitimate way to save significant money each month, but there were also other reported benefits such as increased closeness to family and friends, as well as the ability to declutter and refocus. 

Gen X also cited money as a factor in downsizing, but they are also on the cusp of children no longer living at home as well, so it was a fairly balanced reasoning. They tend to be staying in place a bit more for the time being, for obvious reasons. 

The Downside of Downsizing

Around 30% of those surveyed have expressed that the lack of space has had a negative impact on them. This included a loss of privacy, lack of storage and living space, and no longer living on their own. A quarter of Millennial respondents revealed that downsizing meant they had to move back in with their parents or with a significant other’s parents, resulting in stressful situations. 

Are You Looking to Downsize?

Whether you’re looking to downsize, buy for the first time, or just want something new, contact me today to see all that Northern Colorado real estate has to offer!

Home Buying Tips for the Summertime

With the official start of Summer just around the corner, there’s going to be hot weather and an even hotter real estate market. It’s the perfect time to start planning out your home buying strategy, so we’ve compiled a list of ways to be prepared! 

What You Should Know

Weather Impacts Willingness to Buy: When it is sunny and warm out, houses look and feel their best. You get to know what the curb appeal truly is, how well the yard has been taken care of, and how shady the backyard or patio might be! Because of this, a majority of homes are listed in the Spring and Summer.

Prices Tend to Drop: Sellers who listed their homes earlier in the year begin to drop their prices about this time. Their motivation to sell is peaking, and you will benefit from this. If you’re able to hold out until August, you may see even better prices. This is when around 15% of houses drop their numbers. 

Competition is Ripe: This time of year, there is home buying competition galore. This comes from investors that are willing to come in at price or higher, as well as conventional home buyers with cash in hand, motivated to get their dream home. However, this doesn’t mean you should give up! There are great deals and dream homes aplenty, just be ready to fight for what you want and find motivated sellers ready to work with you. 

Let Me Help: While you may not have been aware of these things, I’ve spent years honing my home buying techniques to get my clients the best deal on the home they want. Contact me today to get started on making your buying and selling dreams come true this Summer!

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