Prepare Your Lawn for Winter in Six Steps

You’ve put so much time and effort into your yard during the warmer months, spending Sundays weeding your garden and mowing your lush lawn. Now that the warmth is quickly fading into cooler temps and the potential for snow, you don’t want that hard work to go to waste. Yes, you could leave it alone and let nature take its course, or you could follow these tips to winterize your yard and feel much better once Springtime rolls back around. 

Don’t Over-Mow

You don’t ever want your lawn to be too short. That’s a quick path to a scorched yard. This is even more important in the fall. Mowing every 10-14 days until all leaves have fallen is a great rule of thumb. It ensures the leaves don’t smother your grass while also maintaining at a good length throughout the Winter. 

Cooler climates, like Colorado, allow for grass to do best at around .75 inches. This length allows the grass enough protection through the cool temps while also protecting against fungus growth. 

Fertilizer is Your Friend

A natural fertilizer can help it to be lush and green in the spring. If you haven’t already done this, do it now to ensure your lawn is as healthy as possible when winter ends. You’ll want a fertilizer that is organic with zero phosphates. 

Cease Irrigation

Here in Fort Collins, watering after October 1st was banned due to extremely dry conditions, so watering has completely ceased this year already. However, while this is not the norm for us, we typically have mostly stopped watering by now anyways due to freezing temps. Have your sprinklers blown out to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting. This will save you money and headaches in the Springtime. 

Compost to Your Heart’s Content

Fall is the perfect time to curate your compost pile and get it in shape for the Spring. During your cleanup, collect some of the dead pieces to add to the compost. Leaves and dead grass are terrific additions to your pile, providing insulation and preventing too much wetness. 

No Mosquitos

This can go overlooked, but it’s important. Traverse your property to ensure you have nothing that collects stagnant water. Mosquitos will gather and breed when temps dip to around 50, so that water allows them the perfect space to do so. Failure to prevent this means you’ll have mosquitos in the Spring.

Be Cautious

Let snow live on the grass when it falls. You should not worry about removal on your lawn. It actually protects your lawn from the bitter air and prevents it from breaking. If it snows, leave it on the grass. 

The Bottom Line

When you properly maintain your lawn, it does more than keep it pretty. These tips will keep your lawn healthier throughout the cold weather and allow you to enjoy it much faster when Spring rolls around. It will also help ensure a healthy lawn if you’re looking to sell in the Spring! 

If that’s something you’re considering, please get in touch with me for other tips on prepping your home in advance! 

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