The Dos and Don’ts of Area Rugs

Area rugs can bring a room to life, whether it’s on hardwood floors or layered with carpet. They’re simple to clean and move around when necessary, and they also require very little commitment. When you’re bored with them, get a new one or move it to a new area. If you’re thinking about using rugs to liven up your space, take a look at this list of dos and don’ts before purchasing!

DO: Let Rugs Extend Under Your Furniture

When choosing an area rug, go with a size that allows the rug to sit underneath key pieces of furniture. You want all of the furniture to be on top of the rug at least at the front legs, and all all small pieces should be fully on the rug. 

In dining areas, you want the rug to be big enough for both the chairs and table to sit on top of it. The chairs should be on top of the rug even when pulled out.

DON’T: Go Small 

Commonly, people get rugs that are simply too small for the space. Yes, it’s cheaper, but that’s rarely better when it comes to rugs. Going big saves you time and effort and is still much cheaper than buying new carpet.  

DO: Make it Equal

Keep the same amount of floor space on every side of your rug. 8-24 inches of space is ideal, and you want it centered in the room. 

DON’T: Skimp in the Bedroom

Area rugs in a bedroom are simply no good if you’re still stepping out onto cold floors in the morning. You want your rugs to go beyond the bed 12-18 inches, depending on the size of the bed. You can also go bigger, if you’d like.

DO: Think of the Traffic

Be sure that you place rugs in higher-traffic areas in the home. Additionally, be sure the areas are fully covered so there’s not one foot on and one foot off the rug.

DON’T: Be Afraid to Step Outside the Box

When placing area rugs, take advantage of patterns and colors to really bring a space to life. If you choose something inexpensive, it’s easy to replace and revamp every couple of years.

DO: Know How to Clean It

Check cleaning instructions prior to buying so you know what you’re getting into. Weigh the pros and cons and choose something you can commit to. 

DON’T: Endanger Your Rugs

Yes, it can be awfully tempting to place your rug front and center in your home. However, this can result in expensive accidents and unnecessary wear and tear. Expensive rugs when you have children or pets can be prone to accidents and spills. While they’re simple to clean, you may end up with permanent stains. 


If you’re looking to buy or sell your home, get in touch with me today! Area rugs can be a crucial part of effectively staging your home, and I can help you with that and so much more!

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