Re-Centering Yourself During a Pandemic

We’re in a strange sort of holding pattern right now, worldwide. This can bring with it a lot of feelings such as confusion, sadness, stress and a lack of motivation. It’s important to take time to practice self care in order to maintain our mental and emotional health, so let’s discuss some effective ways to do that!

Reset Your Goals

Reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Don’t fret over ways you’ve failed at achieving them–there’s no way you could have planned for the life changes that are occurring. Instead, think of ways you can adjust those goals to fit your current situation. If they need to be pulled completely, that’s okay!

Refocus Your Routine

Maybe you’ve just finished out the school year with remote learning for the kids, or perhaps you’re adjusting to working from home for the first time ever. Whatever it is, there will be some necessary tweaks to your schedule in order to keep things running smoothly. Take time for walks, maintain your health, consume positive media and, most of all, hold yourself accountable for all that you do.

Take Time for Self Care

It’s hard to take time for ourselves without feeling selfish, but it’s necessary for good mental health. Your self care could look like journaling at night, getting proper sleep, taking a bubble bath, or simply curling up with a good book. Remember to check-in with yourself regularly to ensure you’re in a good place, and take a personal day if you need it. Also, get on a good sleep schedule in order to feel your best each day!

I hope you’re doing well in this difficult time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions if you’re looking to buy or sell your home!

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