What Features are Home Buyers Looking For Most in 2020?

If you’re looking to sell your home in the near future, it can be quite useful to know what buyers are currently seeking from the home they purchase. This information can easily give you a leg up on the competition should you choose to make pertinent updates prior to listing. 

What’s on Top?

So, what is it people are looking for right now? Not surprisingly, the number one answer is a spacious back porch. Especially with many folks spending quite a bit of time at home right now, this seems like a no-brainer. People want a comfortable space where they can safely spend time outside, and this can be done fairly economically compared to other updates. 

Spacious porches are closely followed by renovated/updated kitchens and hardwood floors. However, if these are things your home currently does not have, it may not be worth the investment just to sell quickly. These are big-ticket expenses and, oftentimes, you will not recoup your costs. 

Finished garages with plenty of storage space are also commonly being sought at the moment. This is something you can easily make happen AND utilize while waiting to sell. Unlike a finished basement (also high on many lists), garages are fairly straightforward to finish out, and adding storage areas to it is simple. 

Other Upgrades to Consider

These days, energy-efficient homes are going like hotcakes. With a variety of incentives and a universal increased focus on environmental impact, many people are seeking out homes that are going to make them feel good while also saving them money. There are a variety of energy-efficient upgrades, some of which can be well worth the investment prior to selling. Do your homework on this one, because it can vary by area and the specifics of what you’d like to have done. 

Additionally, not shockingly, laundry rooms are high on many lists. People are seeking space to get their laundry done effectively. Gone are the days of a tiny washer in a closet. We’re looking at efficient washers and dryers, complete with space to fold laundry and store supplies. If this is impossible for your current space, that’s okay. It’s not worth a massive investment to create this space out of nowhere. However, if you have the room, it can absolutely be worth it to upgrade things a bit to increase its appeal to buyers. 

Should You Upgrade Before Selling?

This is a tough one to answer on the spot with anything but “maybe”. If you’re looking to sell soon and want to know how to bring an edge to your home, call me today to discuss what is worth investing in and what isn’t. It’s unique to your home, but I can help you determine what will get your home sold as quickly as possible!

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