What’s the Best Season to Sell Your Home in Northern Colorado?

(Hint: The answer might surprise you!)

Chances are, you already have an inkling about the best time to sell a home. You’re thinking of when you see the most For Sale signs, and when rentals tend to pop up, so it has to be summer, right? Wrong. It’s actually spring! Now, this doesn’t mean you can only sell in the spring. Your personal circumstances will certainly come into play in a major way.

Why Are You Selling?

There are many factors that come into play when you’re choosing when to sell your home. Perhaps you’re undergoing some big life changes, such as relocation, a growing family or even downsizing after the children have left the nest. Or maybe you’re finally emotionally ready to move on from the memories that reside in the home following a divorce, death or retirement. It’s also possible that you’re doing it for the money. There’s no shame in that; equity can be a beautiful thing! With the varying reasons for selling, there is clearly no “perfect” time that applies to every single person.

Why Spring?

Springtime means school is coming to an end soon, and many families don’t want to move at a disruptive time. With closing dates typically being 30-60 days out, a spring buy makes for a summer move with less stress. Additionally, many people travel in the Summer, so there can be a lack of interested buyers around. Springtime also brings a feeling of “newness” that can inspire people to put in the work of finding a home to start fresh, especially here in Colorado when we’re all coming out of our Winter hibernation!
Overall, selling in May or June typically means a quicker sale at a higher price. However, as mentioned above, that doesn’t mean it’s the best time for you personally. Keep your eye on the calendar, but look inwards at what you and your family need and consult a local Realtor to discuss your best course of action.

Maybe Spring Isn’t Your Time

While there are obvious benefits to selling in the spring, you may not have that luxury. Luckily, real estate is always going strong here in Fort Collins, so there are always pros to selling your home no matter the season!
Get In Touch
Selling your home is a huge step, so it’s important that you have a trustworthy, knowledgeable agent who can help you make the best decision possible. I can help you understand the factors that influence pricing and what the market is looking like in your area. Give me a call today to discuss your options!

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